Thursday, April 4, 2013

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

Henrietta is home and settling in. We tucked her away into her little pen, gave her some of her pain medicine, and let her have some quiet time after the long drive home. She's snoring away as I type this.

Henrietta did great on the car ride home. She mostly snoozed, and sat up to look around whenever we came to a stop. Corey and I almost had a nervous breakdown trying to get her up the ramp and into the back of the car. Getting her out went a lot better, though. She wanted to sniff around outside, so we indulged her for a few minutes until she was able to go potty.

Once we got her inside, she made her way over to Edelweiss' crate to say hello. Then she noticed the new stuffed pig toy we got her, and tried to rush into her pen. But she wanted to lay down pretty quickly, so Corey sat in the pen with her for a little while. She also readily drank water when we brought in her bowl, so that made us feel better.

We picked up a cone collar on the way home, since she was already starting to lick her incision at the vet's office. Henrietta was not happy about it, but she was a bit too loopy on pain meds to put up much of a fight.

She is going to be feeling cold over the next several weeks. The vet had to shave nearly the entire back end of Henrietta, from the waist down. You can kind of see where her black fur ends and her gray-colored skin starts in the pictures above. Tonight we will just be keeping her calm, and trying to calm ourselves down as well. Tomorrow I will post lots more details, and I can show you the x-rays they took right after Henrietta's surgery. Also, sorry for the blurry pictures. I hope you can understand that we were a bit emotional when I was taking them.

Keep sending us those loving thoughts!

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