Good morning, everyone! Everything is going well with Henrietta this morning. We've settled into a daily routine, which is very calming for dogs. Henrietta is waking up refreshed and full of energy in the mornings, though she's still pretty worn out by evening time. Since it has been a week since the surgery, and Henrietta is very stable on her feet now, I feel comfortable with letting her be loose
in our living room for a short period of time. She has been very bored after being cooped up in her pen. Especially with the cone collar on, since it makes it hard for her to chew on toys. The temperature dropped overnight, so the first thing Henrietta did was to park herself directly in front of our space heater. I brought over her pig toy, which she chewed on for a few minutes. Then she brought over the other two toys and chewed each one in rotation for a few more minutes. Right now she is laying at my feet and looking out of the front windows, which is her favorite pastime.
In 6 days, Henrietta will have her first follow-up appointment with the surgeon. We'll have to drive her back up to Sugarland. Luckily, she seemed to really like the vet that was taking care of her, so I hope she won't be too scared to go back in. We've been really lucky that she absolutely adores her vet in town, too. I think it must be his mustache. Everyone loves a well groomed mustache!
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