The bees didn't show up at all today. I'm totally relieved! Our bee nightmare is over as quickly as it began! And since there are no more bees to worry about, Henrietta and I were able to resume our walks around the house. She has more and more energy every day. She is walking further and longer each day, but she is getting less and less patient about her rehab exercises. I do as much as she will let me, but she resisting by tensing up her muscles and making it more difficult to stretch her leg. She willingly stretches and fully extends her leg back on her own now, but she's not quite able to extend up and scratch her ear yet. After Henrietta's last surgery, it was almost 3 months before she could stretch her left leg high enough to scratch her ear, and she certainly wasn't walking around after only a couple of days.
Tomorrow Henrietta will be going through withdrawal as her opiate-based pain medication has run out. I'm expecting her to be grumpier for a few days. I also wouldn't be surprised if she started limping more on her left leg as she starts to really feel the effects of her surgery. The silver lining to this cloud is that we won't be medicating her every 4 hours. She will be getting her pills at breakfast and dinner like normal. I think everyone will be happy about that. We've gone through 2 packages of sliced cheese already, wrapping the pills we can't hide in her food, and to be honest, the cheese doesn't seem to be agreeing with Henrietta...
In conclusion, dog farts are the worst.
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